Here are some materials that I’ve gathered over the years from many people. Anything that I have produced is noted on the material; if not, it’s been produced by others.
Download all below files as a .zip(119 MB)
Click on the links below to download the files individually.
- 01 Prayers to Srila Prabhupada.mp3
- 02 Sri Caitanyastaka.mp3
- 03 Sri Nityanandastaka.mp3
- 04 Sri Nandanandanastaka.mp3
- 05 Sri Radhikastaka.mp3
- 06 Selections from Rupa Gosvami.mp3
- 07 Miscellaneous Verses.mp3
- 08 The Holy Name.mp3
- 09 The Fall and Redemption of the Soul.mp3
- 10 O Wretched, Foolish Mind.mp3
- 11 Supercompassionate Gaura-Nitai.mp3
- 12 Eleven Meditations.mp3
- 13 The King of Sweet.mp3
- Nectar Poems Text.pdf